I am Chinedu Anyanwu.



Who am i?

I'm Anyanwu Chinedu, i am from Nigeria.
Web design and development has been an interest of mine for many years,
and I can bring your ideas to live using front-end development.
All the skills and tools I use,
are self-taught over many years of practice and expanding my horizons.

Why choose me?


Fast load times and lag free interaction, my highest priority.


Websites don't have to be static, I love making pages come to life.


Strong preference for easy to use, intuitive UX/UI.


My layouts will work on any device, big or small.


Skills and tools

languages : HTML | CSS | Javascript | PHP | Typescript
Framework & Librabries : Bootstraps | Vue.js | Vuetify | Jquery | AOS | Nuxt.js
Tools : Mysql | Photoshop | Coreldraw | Vscode | Github | Wordpress


OLKI website


This is a dynamic, well responsive website for an electric contracting company based in nigeria to help give them an online presence, like showcasing their various services. this site is built based on CSS, bootstraps and PHP.

HTML CSS bootstraps PHP


C++ | Javascript | PHP

This is a project work that is based on C++, PHP and Javascript. it is a bus transit system where users can pay in money, and in turn use the money to pay for their fares instead of using cash but using an RFID card which has all users info on them.

C++ CSS bootstraps PHP Javascript

Great Meals

Vue.js | Typescript | Sass | Bootstraps

This is a web application that is based on vue.js and Typescript. it is a meal ordering app where users can register and login to pick meals for each day and get it delivered to them on their respective delivery dates.

Vue.js Sass bootstraps Typescript


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